This is a pretty decent techno song, but it is pretty generic. However there are several things you could do to improve it. First of all, the drums are lacking. Add more to the drums, the more complicated, the better (generally, but not too complicated :P). Also, your instruments sound like presets. Try getting external VSTs (I can tell you how to get them if you need to know). You could use presets, but if you do at least put effects on them like reverb and distortion.
Now for the actual song itself. You have a fairly decent progression, but like any good song, it needs to build up more as it goes along. This can be done by adding more to the drums, adding more instruments later on, adding more complicated melodies, and creating layers with instruments, melodies, countermelodies, percussion, etc. Another suggestion is having another movement, or another part. A different progression.
Overall this was well executed. It just needs a little more work.